There was a crime on TU grounds, read this blog post to find out what happened!

Today some friends and I were searching for a place to sit and work at the Inffeld Campus of the TU Graz. We went by every study center of which we could think, but there were no free seats anywhere. So we went to the IICM (Institute of Information Systems and Computer Media), where we luckily found some seats.

But one table was blocked off by a red caution tape. We immediately assessed the situation. The only possible explanation was that a student died while studying too hard.

View a picture of the crime scene here.

Daniel said to me I should make a blog post about this. I said yeah, finally I have something I can write about. Now in retrospective, this post is rather disappointing. I tried to make it as click-baity as possible. I gotta do some research on Buzzfeed for my next posts I suppose.

Disclaimer: This post is satire and not intended to be taken seriously.