I will sometimes post about stuff I can recommend, it will mostly be about software on Linux and tools of that kind.

The first thing I can recommend is redshift, a tool which adjusts your screen colors to ease the strain on your eyes.

It changes the cold blue tones of the screen into warm red tones.

If you have trouble falling asleep at night if you’re using the computer beforehand, try enabling redshift an hour before going to bed, it really makes a difference, at least in my case.

You can actually leave it on during the day as well, since it can locate you and progressively change the screen color when the sun goes down:

$ redshift
Trying location provider 'geoclue'...
Started Geoclue provider 'Geoclue Master'.
According to the geoclue provider we're at: 48.20, 16.35

For Windows users, there is another application which was actually released a few months before redshift called f.lux.