• How to fix SteelSeries Arctis 5 Balancing

    If all of a sudden your SteelSeries Arctis 5 headphones are not balanced anymore, for example if the sound comes out louder from one ear than the other, here’s the fix. This issue only happens on Windows (figures) therefore the instruction to fix it is also for Windows. Control panel...

  • How to fix the RTLD_GLOBAL Vim compilation error

    If you want to compile Vim with Python 2 or 3 support, you may run into this error. I haven’t found a precise solution online, so here is how I fixed it. The error can occurr when you try to configure Vim compilation files with Python support, that is after...

  • How to fix libclang error in YouCompleteMe

    How to fix the liblang 3.7 error in YouCompleteMe for Vim if you just updated clang and llvm to 3.8 If you’ve just updated your llvm and clang to version 3.8 you might encounter the following error in YouCompleteMe for Vim: ImportError: libclang.so.3.7: cannot open shared object file: No such...

  • Crime scene at TU Graz

    There was a crime on TU grounds, read this blog post to find out what happened! Today some friends and I were searching for a place to sit and work at the Inffeld Campus of the TU Graz. We went by every study center of which we could think, but...

  • Soothe your eyes with redshift

    I will sometimes post about stuff I can recommend, it will mostly be about software on Linux and tools of that kind. The first thing I can recommend is redshift, a tool which adjusts your screen colors to ease the strain on your eyes. It changes the cold blue tones...